Monday, June 14, 2010

MARSIN. A young new Artist: "From Poland to New York City"

MARSIN. Born on a cold winters day in the small town of Nisko, Poland. Ever since I was a little boy living in Poland, I always knew that one day I would live in New York City. I used to draw the Statue of Liberty and huge skyscrapers with myself surrounded in the middle of it all. I did not know
how or when I was going to get there, but I just wanted my dreams and pictures to come true.

I came to America on April 8th, 1994. I started school right away in Lakewood, NJ even though I did not speak any English at all. Doing schoolwork was tough, but making friends really wasn’t.

One of my best friends was a chick named Alicia. We used to skip class and take the bus to New York City together all the time. We would go to Harlem to meet up with friends and hit up a few clubs even though we were under age. I remember one night, Alicia and I were walking on 125th Street, and as we was crossing the street this big guy yelled, "what you doing with a white boy," to my friend Alicia who is African-American, and I yelled back, "what you doin by yourself!" I tried not to be scared of anything or even any one. I believe that things happen for a reason.

Right after my high school graduation I moved to New York City. My parents didn’t really believe me when I told them that I am going to go to college in New York until they actually saw the bill for the semester. While in New York, I did a little acting for fun. I landed some extra work on shows like Law & Order: SVU, as well as an HBO movie "Brooklyn.” I did an off-broadway play called “The Bar Scene” as well as an independent film “Black Pearl.” I stage managed several plays including The Vagina Monologues at CCNY. Which the actors would poke fun at me and made me run lines with them just so I would say “my vagina is angry!” I also had the pleasure to work on music videos with The Dynasty Electric Duo and Beyonce.

I met people who were involved in the modeling industry, and had some luck there. I got the chance to work with amazing talent like Steve Prezant, Ross Bleckner, Irene Caesar, Holly Daggers, Maciek Jasik, Zach Bowens, Markus Klinko & Indrani and Calvin Klein. I was also involved in the Born To Be A Model project. I keep myself busy with various fashion shows, promotional events, and best of all parties and photo shoots. I would say that in this industry you have to be a strong and intelligent person if you want to pursue it.

I live for creativity. Photography and music are my passions. I have taken some beautiful and interesting pictures. I love to shoot anything that catches my eye. My music can be heard online on various websites. I write and produce my own stuff so it may not be for everyone’s liking but I do it because I love doing it. I am excited to further my creativity and see what I come up with next!

In life, I have learned a lot. I used to think that I knew everything, come to find out I did not know much at all. I have learned through my mistakes, and every experience has taught me a new lesson. I have gone through a lot of obstacles to be where I am today, but most importantly, I have always followed my heart.


  1. Inspiring story , if you fallow your heart YOU will get there
    All Best

  2. very inspiring your dream..All the best to you !
